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Pat Storey Newsletter (Fall 2024)

Hello from hot and humid Florida!

Boot Camp and our summer ministries have come and gone and most of the staff are now back from their annual deputation trips, so now we are all working to catch up and are making plans for our upcoming Staff Retreat.

As I mentioned before, I stayed in Florida this year and served on the “Launch Team” to help keep things going while the majority of our staff were leading teams overseas. We had 13 teams this year and about 300 team members from all over the U.S. who traveled all across the globe to minister to people and let them know about the love of Jesus. We had teams that ran camps for local children, some medical teams, and construction teams. They worked hard and accomplished so much as they blessed the organizations they were working with. This is a life-changing experience for so many, if not all who go on these trips. They learn so much about hard work and most importantly, how to share their faith with others and the rewards that come from being obedient to the Lord and His calling on their lives.

It was great to hear about their trips when they came back for Debrief. Each team does a presentation (like a skit) of what their summer was like and it’s always so much fun to see the ways they have worked serving the Lord at each location. Next year’s teams are already on the website and people are signing up!!

Sometimes it’s very hard to see them go back home after spending six or seven weeks with them. It’s almost as if they become family. Please pray for them with us as they are home.  Some of them face very difficult lives and we need to bring them before the Lord as often as we can.

There were 14 TMI Boot Camps running around the world this summer about the same time as ours in Florida. Over 2,000 teens participated and many people met the Lord Jesus for the first time!  

For deputation this year, I did a little camping along the way and traveled back to Iowa, Missouri and Ohio to meet with supporters I haven’t seen in 10 years and some I had never met. It was great to visit several of my supporting churches. I also got to spend some time with two of my kids and 10 of my grandkids (I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of them at Thanksgiving). I met some old friends from college and a cousin I had not seen in probably 20 years. It was such a blessing and a very enjoyable trip!!

Currently, I am helping to plan for this year’s Staff Retreat, where we will spend some time evaluating the summer and also have a lot of time for fun and fellowship together. I am looking forward to these few days together as staff as we work to improve the ministries here.

Another project I have been working on is to move everything from a couple of big rooms that have become storage rooms so the rooms can be remodeled and made into some offices. With new staff and new students, we will be needing more work spaces.  

I will also be helping to finalize the 24-25 budget for our international ministries as soon as we return to work as well as serving on the committee that works to implement the changes that need to be made in the future while training a couple of new people and catching up on my workload which built up quite a bit while I was gone.

In Christ,

Pat Storey

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