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Shonn & Lori Foy Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Happy Spring!
“Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hosea 6:3

Ministry Highlights
Our Legacy Lakes Christian Retreat Center has been very busy! We started in January hosting simultaneous and back-to-back groups. It was a little crazy. Every weekend in February was booked and we held kid’s activities for a Pastor’s Conference during one of the weeks. March and April brought in a Christian motorcycle club, a Christian school retreat, TMI Spring Leader Training and First Step, the Annual Board meeting, a local senior-high work day, and a Spring Break work group. We are already booking for the fall and have multiple emails weekly requesting information for dates later this year and into 2025. Praise the Lord!

The Big Top went up on Thursday, March 4th. We are grateful to the SC Southern Methodist Missions Work Group for helping us tackle that big job! Things are buzzing around here getting ready for the Lord’s Boot Camp which starts June 17th! Over 300 preteens, teens and leaders will be trained and worship under the Big Top! We are excited for new staff families coming in May and June! God is answering prayers for laborers in the Harvest!

The Tough Gator 5K happened May 4th! It was a beautiful Florida day with clear skies! We had an exciting 628 runners run the muddy 2K and 5K including pros, families, and children! Praise the Lord for volunteers!

We so enjoy and are blessed to spend time with our FL kids and grandkids! We were able to spend Easter with most of the kids and had a great day celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus! Shane, Jodie, and Quinley came from SC. Saturday, we took a trip to Sea World for Nana’s birthday (Nana’s favorites are the dolphins!). The grandkids did the big Easter egg hunt on Heavenly Street, too! We were able to make a quick trip to Indiana in April to see Erinn, Ryan,Oliver and Shonn’s mom. We had a fun week with them! We hosted dear friends, Sam & Paula, from Indiana for a week in May.

Personal Praises: We are thankful for:
God‘s daily faithfulness to us.
Oliver is doing well and the medication is working to regulate his heart.
The unity and camaraderie we experience in the ministry at Teen Missions.

Personal Prayers: We request:
Prayers that God will be at the center of our lives and the reason we ‘do’ what we do.
Wisdom for the day-to-day ministry and decisions we make.
Prayers for Katie and Chris (Piper & Theo) as they welcome baby Callahan Foy in mid-June.
Prayers for new financial partners to come alongside us in ministry.

We love you all and are SO grateful for you!

Because of Jesus,

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5,6

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