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Six kids who accepted Jesus!

Six kids who accepted Jesus!

The picture is of the six kids who accepted Jesus! Unfortunately, ALL kids in Honduras are STILL required to wear a mask during school EVEN though ALL children in Honduras are also required to have the Covid vaccine! Please pray for these kids!

Thanks to God, our bridge project is finished! Also, the first small "box" bridge is finished. This will serve to catch the rain water and direct it to the creek rather than destroy the driveway, as it has for the past 25 years! We are planning to make one more of these. 


Santa Cruz Report

Bible school students are learning to reach the Muslim population.

The Container Arrived!!

The contents were split and part of the container was given to La Mosquitia.

Food Rations Delivered and Door- to- Door Evangelism

Ministry through delivering food!

Honduras Hurricane News

Hurricane Eta affects and relief. God is faithful.

Covid-19 Relief Ministry in Honduras

They went to the community of La Tigra to deliver 56 provisions to low-income families. It is worth mentioning that the funds invested in these foods come from the bread sales activities carried out by the BMW students, as well as donations received from some churches and friends of the base.