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Brazil Report

It is amazing how the Lord blesses us each day. Last night we left the airport in São Paulo to stay at a nearby church. The people of the church have been very hospitable and generous in their care for us. They brought in mattresses, sheets, blankets, towels and rags to use. They are also feeding us every meal, even though we’ve been trying to cook for them. It’s really been such a blessing to our team. We finally got them to let us cook lunch on Saturday.

During our time today, we were able to wash clothes, catch up on memory verses, practice our presentation (we plan to share it on Saturday) and do our God’s Gentlemen/Growing in Grace classes. It has been nice to be on a schedule.

We are still unsure about our flight to Belem. Please pray that the airline will issue our tickets for this flight if that’s His will. Our team has been doing really well, so please pray for continued unity and willing hearts to be ready to go and serve wherever He leads!

Thank you, again, for all your prayers. Enjoy the attached testimonies and photos!

“Although the past few days in the airport were rough, God has shown us to trust in Him always and he will provide. I’m our case, the flight was delayed to Belem. We thought we were going to stay in the airport for another 2 days, but God enabled a Brazilian church to extend their love. We are truly humbled by them and what they are doing for us.”
- Lucas

“I can honestly say that this last week has been nothing like I expected, from having to go back to the TMI base after spending an entire day in the airport to being stuck in São Paulo. I have learned so much about t Brazil. The church who is hosting us has been so generous and hospitable, and it has really encouraged me. I am so grateful for all of them. The Lord has challenged us and also provided for us. We have grown so much as individuals and as a team. I love you all!”

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)