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Colombia ministers at a local Church

Our team has had a lot of great experiences and less than a week since arriving here in Colombia!The preteen Boot Camp ended on Saturday and everyone returned home. There was a wonderful commissioning service Friday night. Our team has been able to do several parts of our presentation with this camp.

We’ve also had a very productive week of work. We completely changed the front of the property of the Boot Camp by removing an old barbed wire fence and posts. We also removed a lot of brush and trees that were overgrowing the fence. We’ve begun digging new holes for new posts and will install the barbwire fence hopefully this week. New fence posts arrived on Saturday and our team began to paint them with an oil and diesel mixture which will help keep termites away and remain water resistant.

On Friday, the leaders and some of our team ran the obstacle course. It is a special day because all of the kids love to watch their leaders run the obstacle course and share them on some of our team. Also ran and got very muddy but had a great time.

There was also a special time during the week after some rain we got to see a rainbow. There’s a picture included. It was really spectacular.

Colombia (24010)

Our last report from Colombia :(
By: Colombia Team Leaders (13)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
By: Colombia Team Leaders (12)
Colombia Photo and Videos
By: Colombia Team Leaders (11)