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Farewell Uganda!

Farewell Uganda!

Wow. We cannot believe we have reached the end of our time in Uganda. Saying goodbye this morning to all of our new friends was hard. But it was a blessing to know we formed beautiful relationships!

As I’m writing this report we’re sitting in the Dubai airport on our 9 hour layover.
Travel has gone pretty well so far. We made it to the Entebbe airport in plenty of time and made our five hour flight.

Most of the kids slept on the flight! We’re all pretty tired.
After our nine hour layover we have a 15 hour flight to Orlando! So crazy. Our estimated time of arrival is 4:30 pm Monday.

We appreciate your prayers as we travel! Everyone is doing well and is so excited to be coming back to the USA!

Uganda arrived at Debrief
By: Teen Missions Staff
Hello all!
By: Uganda Team Leaders
Jambo!!! Hello from team Uganda!
By: Uganda Team Leaders