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Finally settled in Belem!

Ten days after commissioning at Teen Missions, Team Brazil has finally arrived at our official project site in Belem!To say it has been quite a journey is an understatement. What at first we saw as a road block, God just had a detour that he wanted us to go on before arriving here.

On this detour, the Lord took us to Igreja Batista de Vila Barros near São Paulo. We had the blessing to be served by a beautiful church family that housed and fed us and showed us what it’s truly like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We pray that this meeting of our brothers and sisters in Christ will possibly lead to future partnerships with Teen Missions. This past Sunday, the team did two presentations, one in the morning and then during their evening service. Following the morning service, we celebrated Boaz’s birthday, then one of the church members showed up for a surprise for everyone. He brought his Churro truck and gave everyone free Churros. What a sweet surprise!

Monday evening, we said our goodbyes before enjoying one final Brazilian meal. What a memorable time we had with this church family! We left for the airport early Tuesday morning, around 1 am. The first group left for Belem around 8:15 am, and the second group arrived around 4:20 pm. We had a nice treat waiting for us when we received a packet of letters from home for all the team, even the leaders. Thank you so much for everyone that sent greetings!

Once we arrived at the property in Belem, we had supper waiting for us. We got settled as much as we could then went to bed around 9:30pm. Today started our first full day. We did our library reading, group devotions, Sermon on the Mount Bible study, washed clothes and even had a chance for swimming. The ladies that live here taught our team a song in Portuguese. Tyi and Vienna helped on KP (kitchen patrol) for our first official day of cooking. It was a long, full day, but such a blessing. We are also acclimating back to Florida summer-like weather after experiencing winter last week. Everyone is doing well. Some of us are getting over colds, but otherwise fine.

I know this is a long report, but we had a lot to share! Thank you so much for your prayers! We can feel them! We love you all and appreciate your continued prayers and encouragement!

Hi fellas! Though our flights to Belem were delayed, for like a week, we are happy here. I put off writing this since day one, but it’s here now. Love you mom, dad, bro, Tyi M.

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)