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Germany is traveling

Greetings from the Frankfurt Airport!

We just want to let you all know that we have started our journey back to Florida for Debrief.
Everyone is sad to leave but also looking forward to seeing friends and family from home. As many on the team said yesterday "It's a bittersweet feeling".

Right now we are all checked in and ready to board our flight to Charlotte. Please pray for us as we travel.

Here are a few things that you could pray for.

  • Safety as we travel
  • Wisdom and Patience through Customs and border security
  • Good health for the whole team
  • For all of our bags to arrive in Florida with us

We are looking forward to an impactful Debrief.

God bless,

Germany (24003)

Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)
Greetings once again from Nuremberg Germany!
By: Germany Team Leaders (8)