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Good morning from sunny Santa Cruz.

The weather is in the mid 80’s almost daily and slightly humid. We have been having thunderstorms in the afternoon that cool it off for us in the evenings as well as help fill our water tanks. As we worked mixing concrete for our work project yesterday one of our team members noticed a snake crawling up to our gravel pile. After a BMW student killed the snake it was identified as one of the most poisonous snakes in Honduras. We praise The Lord for his protection over our team as we work for His glory. We are excited that we have two EV presentations back to back up in the mountains tomorrow morning. The other day we were heading into a nearby town to help with a community project and it started pouring rain before we could get there. Our team was completely drenched by the time we found shelter. We all took shelter under a small church porch while the rain poured. After a long period of trying to wait out the storm the decision was made to load up and head back to base in the rain. Everyone had very good attitudes even though they were all soaked completely through. Our team all seems to be healthy at this time and we ask The Lord to provide good health for the rest of our time here.


Making concrete is awesome! Learning to speak a different language is amazing! I love you Mom and Dad! ~ Rebekah C.

Making friends from another country is awesome! I’m learning how to adapt and fit in to another culture. Learning how to bucket bathe and do bucket laundry is definitely different. Love you Mom and Dad! ~ Lilly B.

I’m having a lot of fun! We have had a lot of opportunities to evangelize in some local schools. Our work project is coming along very well. ~ Isaiah M.

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)