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Greetings from overcast India!

We have experienced some sprinkles and cloud cover today which is always an extra blessing with the heat of India.

This team continues to be a blessing to the leadership in so many ways. They are hard workers, always pitching in to help KP finish cleaning thoroughly after every meal to prevent flies (the heavy duty ceiling fans sure help too). They get along well and we love hearing the laughter that seems to be a part of almost every conversation. They are willing to do whatever is needed to ease another's burdens and to make things run smoothly. We never have to "ask".

The work project is coming along. They are starting to work on a bathroom block for the students and have also dug a garden to help supplement the student's diets.

The team spent one afternoon earlier this week with the students. They worked on songs and dramas together, teaching one another in each other's language. They also enjoyed playing volleyball with the students. The girl students don't play volleyball here—they play badminton, but we have a couple of team members who play for their schools.

Tonight, the team members and the students will be going out sharing the Gospel in the local neighborhoods. They are looking forward to that. And tomorrow afternoon, we are going to McDonald's for dinner! —No hamburgers though...Afterwards, they will be going to a small store to stock up on snacks

Please continue to pray for spiritual growth and the health and safety of the team members and leadership.

Hi family and friends! I've been in India for just over a week now and it has been awesome! The car ride to where we are staying was insane and super fun! We met the students here and have started evangelizing with them. And we have started building bathrooms and a classroom for them. Lately, God has been teaching me how blessed I am to live in Canada. The things we have, like washing machines, AC, showers, public facilities and an abundant supply of food are truly a blessing. I hope you are all doing well and thank you for all of your support! - Noah

Hey family, I'm doing good. I've seen God work in my life so much throughout these last few days, especially through the village when we go out evangelizing and church presentations. I have really felt God working in me. - Mason

India (24008)

By: India Team Leaders (11)
India team is preparing to come home
By: India Team Leaders (10)
Exciting week in India
By: India Team Leaders (9)