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Greetings from Tanzania!

This past Monday brought our last work period and clinic, and with that we began the tourism part of our trip! On Tuesday the team set out for the four hour drive to a luxurious campsite near Ngorongoro Crater, which was gladly interrupted by some giraffes on the side of the road which served as a precursor to our safari the following day.

To the team’s delight, the campsite provided us with an African style dinner, real beds, and western style toilets! We woke up early the next morning to begin the drive to Ngorongoro Crater, which is actually a caldera, a volcano which collapsed in on itself and formed a separated safe haven for gazelles, zebras, water buffaloes, lions, a small leopard, servals, rhinos, wildebeests, ostriches, cranes, elephants, warthogs, hyenas, and hippos, all of which we saw.

As a result of the influx of animals we saw, we returned to the camp for dinner later, and didn’t get back to the Teen Missions base until 11 p.m. We all went immediately to bed, and we are now quite well-rested and preparing to spend the day in Moshi shopping for souvenirs! Please continue to pray for us as we get ready to leave Tanzania, our flights back to the United States, and that we are able to remain united as our time comes to an end.

The Safari yesterday was amazing and I’m excited and sad to go back home. – Chloe.

I love doing the clinics. I felt we made an impact when we got to pray with them. – Fiona.

I love Africa, baby elephant so sad. It’s almost time to leave! – Adaline.

Can’t believe it’s almost over. I will miss everything about Tanzania. – Katelynn.

Our African mission was life-changing! This trip will forever have a special place in my heart! Can’t wait to share all my stories. – Amy.

I’ve been loving Africa, and my team has been a blessing to me. – Sarah.

The Safari was so cool we saw a herd of elephants. – Clara

Mr. Judah is awesome and the lions didn’t eat him! – Mari

We saw some cool zebras, and more animals. But we also got to sleep in a real bed. – Addie .

Hey y’all, the Safari was incredible and I can’t wait to tell y’all all about it back home! -Abby

Hi everyone, Africa has been really cool and an amazing experience. – Owen

Hey, it’s been amazing getting to see the beauty of Africa. – Caden C.

Hi everyone, it’s been really cool here. – Caden M.

Hi! I’m sad our time here is coming to an end. I love it here and have learned so much. See y’all soon! – Grace.

The Lord has been working in mighty ways! Looking forward to telling you all about it. - Elly

Africa has been amazing! I feel like the Lord has been teaching me contentment and compassion. I can’t wait to see y’all! – Hope.

I love Africa! Can’t wait to tell you about the many ways God has worked during this trip! – Carly

Tanzania (24006)

We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (6)