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Greetings from the Dominican Republic

This is the beginning of our second week here.Yesterday morning, Saturday the 6th, we had a work project where we painted tires that were put on the ground when the trees and plants were planted as a way of potting them. And we will also paint the playground. This was so good because all the team members enjoyed doing this and the place looks a lot nicer. We still have so much to do, and we will continue the project of painting this week.

Then Saturday afternoon, we had a chance to walk to a nearby church to do a presentation for a group of 70+ kids. This was very exciting! The team was happy to get off property for the first time since we arrived, and the children were so very happy to watch our presentation. The presentation consisted of Spanish songs, fun kids songs, a drama (acted by Matthew, Elena, Carly, Audrey, and Trinity), a reenactment of David and Goliath (by Neal as Goliath, Zeph as David), testimony (by Justin), a couple of puppet songs with choreography, and sharing the Gospel using the colors of the Wordless Book (done by Maddie and translated into Spanish by our leader, Miss Lane). They were engaged and listening and doing hand motions along with the songs, and singing the songs they knew along with us. Then we played a game at the end and everyone had a lot of fun together.

This morning, Sunday the 7th, the team went to another church called Venga Su Reino. We had a chance to do our presentation in front of the congregation. It was so amazing, the team presented very well, and the church enjoyed watching our presentation. The group that performed the drama was Justin, Audrey, Maddie, Ryan, and Daniella. Testimonies were given by Ryan and Ellie. After that, we listened to the sermon which they translated into English for us, although the speaker didn’t give enough time to the translator to translate all his sentences, and that made it difficult to understand even in English.

We got back to the property where lunch was prepared for us—rice, chicken, beans and potato salad. The team has really been enjoying eating the food here! We are blessed to be able to eat their food for every meal.

We all miss our families and friends and we thank you for praying for us!

Here are a couple of testimonies from our members:

It is a very interesting experience. It’s nice getting to know the children and the customs of the people.

The food here is amazing! And working plus trying to communicate with the children and other people of the DR is so much fun.
I love the energy that they all have here.

It is our second week at the base and we are having a very good time!
So far we have ministered to the kids and we performed In front of a Church.
The LORD is really moving!

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)