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Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.

The weather here is a consistent 80s during the day and the usual evening thunderstorm.
We had an awesome time at a local church that had a missions conference yesterday. After the church service they had a “street food” luncheon with vendors representing different nations in the world that the kids really enjoyed getting to try food from. We were invited to participate by performing our “Colors” drama we learned at Boot Camp.
We have completed about half of our work project and hope to work hard on finishing the floor this week.

We praise The Lord for His mighty hand of protection he has had on us this entire time.Just last evening as one of our leaders and her young daughter were heading towards their cabin after evening Devotion, the guard dog, “Sasha” ran ahead down the tiny sidewalk and stopped abruptly. As soon as the leader and child approached where she stopped and shined their flashlight, they realized Sasha’s eyes were locked down hard on a snake lying on the sidewalk. After this incident the leader and her child turned back and headed down the other sidewalk to the cabin. Sasha immediately ran ahead of them sniffing the trail and walked them all the way to their cabin. Not only did she walk them to their cabin but she stayed in front of their door on guard throughout the night until morning. I am reminded of the different ways our Lord protects us and even chooses to use animals sometimes.

Hi mom and dad, we’re having a great time here with our concrete project and evangelism. The kids here are super fun to play soccer with. They are really good. Wish we could stay longer. ~ Kai H.

Honduras is great! The kids here are awesome. The food is great and people are super nice. Can’t wait to get home and tell more stories.  ~ Makai S.

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Good morning from sunny Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (9)