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Guatemala sends their greetings!

Guatemala 24004

Hello to everyone back in the states! Thank you all for your prayers!

(Thursday, July 4th)
Happy Independence Day America!
The team is making great progress on the road. We had some healthy boys vs girls competition to see if the boys could lay rock as fast as the girls were filling the cracks with cement. They all laughed and had a great time! Andrew H. set a rock down on his finger and it turned the skin under the nail purple. His nail looks great now—no discoloring! We ended our evening with our daily Bible study, Sermon on the Mount, quizzing their memory verses and evening devotions.

(Friday, July 5th)
Ms Faith and Mrs Arlissa went to town today and bought ground beef from the meat market (cleanest one they’ve ever seen! No flies and smelled like bleach. Thank you, Jesus!). The team is super happy to have fresh meat! We had stuffed bell peppers with ground beef, rice and beans. Served orange slices for that extra vitamin C and then had a special treat of hot cocoa with our evening devotions. The power was out and we sat in the dark with our warm drink and sang worship songs :) it was a great ending to a great day.

(Saturday, July 6th)
It’s Jessie’s Birthday! The girls room woke her with a birthday song and we have been celebrating her in small ways all day! We had COLD coke and birthday cake tonight with a couple of games to play. The whole team had fun!

(Sunday, July 7th)
The team was very excited to sleep in an extra hour today! After breakfast and personal devotions, the girls that wanted to go into town and buy some cultural dresses had the opportunity, and those that did not want to go were able to walk a couple blocks from the base and go to a small store and purchase snacks. After returning and having lunch, we had a slow day with classes and quizzing followed by church in the evening. Everyone loved the experience.

Personal testimonies:

“Hi Sim, Myla, Lil, A.B., Caia, Halia, Mom, Dad, and all the pets! Guatemala is great! We got done the top part of the road that’s like a circle and now we just have to go down the hill a lot. I’m having so much fun and I still love my team. The weather is perfect! It’s so nice out, love you guys and have fun at sandy cove!” -Janaya M.

“Hi mom and dad, I have been having a lot of fun here building this road, we have almost finished a circle. I went on a top secret mission today and literally went through a small opening in the roof to open a door that was locked from the inside. I hope you guys are doing well, Mom I hope you’re feeling better after surgery on your hand, Dad, take care of mom. Love you guys” -Enzo I.

“Today is a big day here on the worksite. We are about to finish the circle part on the road! I have really enjoyed this project. It’s been so fun. I have especially liked laying the rocks down for the road. The team is super close and we have lots of fun together and leaders are fun and encouraging. I love our Bible study and team devos time together. I have been learning a lot and growing closer to God. It’s a lot of hard work, but it feels great. Mom and Dad- Love you and I hope everything is going well back home and I can’t wait to tell you about everything.” -Piper E.

Guatemala (24004)

Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Guatemala finishing strong
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Hola amigos y familiares!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (7)