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Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.

Our team arrived at the Real Life Ukrainian camp yesterday around 2PM.
The members and leaders have been divided into eight teams here at the camp and we completed arrival day and are partway through our first day of Camp!

Arrival day was a day full of waiting, learning and excitement about what is to come. Everyone is doing their best to communicate with others who speak languages different from our own.

It has definitely been a big change going from YWAM and coming to be with Fire of Friendship (FOF) .

At YWAM all the staff could speak English so communication was much easier. Here at FOF many people do not speak English so communication is much harder. The leaders are able to use their Google Translate on their phones to help with communication so that is helpful. There is also a man named Vlad who translated for the team that was here last year and he is also doing a lot of translation for us as well. Language is something that we are now beginning to appreciate so much more now. When you are working with people who speak a common language it is easier.

The evening plans on Arrival day were delayed a bit because of the members arriving and the camp trying to get the meeting place and kitchen set up and things like that. Our team went to bed late. They were given a good time to sleep because the wake time to be out of your room was 8AM. That is a big difference from the 5:30AM wake up that we were doing at Boot Camp!

The day started with some exercises to wake everyone up. After that teams went and did a Bible study together and when they finished everyone went and got breakfast. The breakfast was so good and there was a lot of food! After breakfast there was a class for the whole camp about how God has a plan for us. Then everyone went outside and the teams were paired up with another team and there was a soccer competition. Our team had a lot of fun with this and they were very tired and hungry by the time lunch rolled around. After lunch there was time for each team to get together and play some games and get to know each other better. As I write this the teams are all back together for a camp wide game. I'm not exactly sure what type of game it's going to be but the game organizers look pretty excited. I am sure you will hear all about it when your teen gets home!

I shouldn't forget to let you know that our last few days in Nuremberg were packed tight with so many different types of outreach and ministry. We didn't even have time to do all the ministry outreaches that we wanted to do. We were able to finish the painting and plastering project that we were working on for YWAM and that was a huge accomplishment for the whole team. On our last night at YWAM they had a BBQ for us! So much great food and fun conversations were had. It was a great way to end our time there as we reflected on things that we learned and experienced while we were in Nuremberg.

There are so many stories, testimonies and inside jokes to share but we just don't have time right now. You will have to wait to hear more in our next report and for the full stories when your teen comes home!

Thank you for your prayers for our team! We also appreciate all the mail that we got in Nuremberg. Unfortunately we are not able to receive mail here at the camp but we look forward to getting some while we are at Debrief.

We end this email with great experiences and accomplishments behind us. Joy in our hearts, and love for each other. We are excited for what tomorrow holds.

Micah - Here at YWAM we've been doing a lot of work on the property with things like painting and sanding and tearing off years of wallpaper and paint. Thank you for your prayers!

Allie - Germany is so awesome and fun! We've been getting a lot of painting and work done at the YWAM base here. I feel like God has really been teaching me and growing me, and I know He's with me. Love and miss you all! I'm doing great.

Jaxon O. - Hey, It's going great. We got to Nuremberg and it has been fun. I had my first experience on public transportation. It was kind of scary but also exciting. We have done a lot on our work project. We painted the main room and plastered another room. It's going great.
Bye, Jaxon

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Greetings once again from Nuremberg Germany!
By: Germany Team Leaders (8)