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Hello everyone!

We have reached a little over the halfway point of our time here in Tanzania. The team is doing well, and continue to show the joy of Christ everywhere they go each day. Yesterday we went to a high school to have a clinic there while there we treated both students and teachers. The team was also able to give a full presentation and share wordless bracelets. Abby helped Mr. Ben with pharmacy. Caden Martin was the greeter and Clara, Sarah, Owen, Chloe, Caden Courson, Adaline, Hope, and the Treder girls all got a chance to run clinic stations. On the way back to the base the clouds crew cleared and we were able to see a great view of Mount Kilimanjaro.

The construction project continues to go well. The team members often spend half the work day on construction tasks around the base which include painting buildings and building a much-needed carport.

As of today, the carport has finished footers and is now ready for a roof! The team has now accomplished finishing the footers for the car port, painting 2 buildings, and 4 clinics.

Tanzania has been so beautiful and amazing. I love the culture the food and especially the people. They are all such happy people . Something I’ve been learning is how to be a better leader. I had the opportunity to share the gospel in front of approximately 100 people which was intimidating, but so good.  – Mari

Hey y’all, Tanzania is beautiful! We got to go to authentic African church on Sunday. It was a very interesting. Their style of worship is so different. After service, they fed us a delicious Tanzanian lunch. We have been able to help a lot of people through the different clinics. We got to do a clinic for the Bible students and staff who live on the base. Gotta go now! – Hope

Hey everyone! Been in Tanzania has been such a great experience. I love getting to see Mount Kilimanjaro when the clouds move away which is not often. It has been awesome getting to give people glasses and medical care. I feel so much closer to God and I feel like he has been guiding me through the experience. my favorite memory so far is when we went to high school and tons of kids were surrounding me asking me questions. I miss everyone so much, thank you. – Caden C.

Hello! Our time here has been such a blessing to me. I have grown in my relationship with God. There have been so many eye-opening experiences, like how cheerful everyone is when they don’t have much. It is such a joy to hand a patient glasses and pray with them. The smile on their faces make Boot Camp worth it. Love and miss you all!  – Grace

Hello! What a sweet time this has been. Getting to serve at the clinics, working on the base here, and just hanging out with a team has been incredible! Though there have been some challenges along the way, it has been so cool to see how God is working through the things we’ve been doing. though it will be sad to leave, I can’t wait to see everyone back home! – Abby

Hey everyone at home. Miss you so much. I’m having an amazing time. It is so amazing to see the Lord working here. Still can’t wait to come home. Love you guys so much. See you in a couple of weeks! – Katelynn

Hi everybody! So far, Tanzania has been one of the coolest places I have ever been. All the people are super nice and friendly. This trip has really helped to strengthen my faith and has truly helped me build a relationship with God. – Owen

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (6)