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Hello from the Taiwan team!

It has been an exciting past few days here at the Lord's Boot Camp!

 The team is doing well and it has been great to see each team member grow in so many ways. Our team has grown through the O.C., Boot Camp classes, and time together in a way that only the Lord could bring about. Lives are being changed here and it is a blessing to see how our God is working! Praise Jesus!

We are all starting to look forward to commissioning and the field, especially as we complete the last training days. Each person is on this team for a reason and we are all excited to see how the Lord will use us for His glory! 

Again, God has been working in this team and they are all excited to share their faith both as we travel and on the field. 

 Some quotes from the team:

 - Josiah: "Boot Camp is great and the Lord has been teaching me not to hold grudges."

 - John : "I am excited for the children's ministry and what the Lord will be doing in Taiwan!"

 - Jaime: "Boot Camp is going great! I love you guys and I can't wait to see you!"

 - Quinn: "Boot Camp is really fun! I love you all!"


 Keep us in your prayers, and God bless.

Taiwan (24005)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Taiwan Galilee Camp
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (9)
Taiwan Photos
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (8)