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Hola for the last time from Guatemala!

The team has kicked it into high gear these last few days! They are SO close to finishing this project! They’ve gotten the limestone placed all the way to the bottom of the hill and only have a few yards left to fill in the cracks with cement.

Tomorrow (Thursday) will be a half work day as the local community of school children will come to Daughters Of God. We are expecting 65 elementary age kids that we will play games, sing songs and share the Gospel with. Praying for eager hearts and the lives of families to be touched through their children.

Friday evening we will leaving the base with our bags packed and head to Antigua where we will stay the night at a former TMI staff’s property. Saturday morning will start bright and early for a little sightseeing and souvenir shopping. Please pray for safety both in the vans and on the streets of town. We will stay in the airport that night to catch an early flight back to FL. Almost home!

Personal testimonies:
“We are almost finished with the road we have been working on!! Everyone has been putting in so much effort and work into finishing this for Mr. George’s ministry. Today was our last full workday! We fly out early Sunday morning and head back to Florida. The Lord has taught me so much during my time at boot camp and here in Guatemala. I am so excited to share all the experiences I’ve had here! Hugs and kisses to Mom and Dad, Johnson, Caroline, Ruby, and Rya back home! I have been praying for the move!” -Jessie S.

“I am so grateful that we are almost done with the road. It has been so amazing to see our team work together to complete all of the great things we have done here. I hope that the people that attend this church community and the school will truly be blessed by the work that God has done here through us. I pray that God will keep all of the teams safe as we all come back from serving God around the world.” -Philip M.

“I can not believe the amount of teamwork we have done these last few days. We have done more progress than we have in the last couple weeks. This trip has been an incredible experience for me. I am so grateful God has given this opportunity to me. I have met amazing people and I just am so happy we have been able to serve the Lord in building this road. We are so blessed to have been able to come here and to do what we have almost finished. I just pray all the other teams are safe and have accomplished what they have set out to do in their areas. I pray we all get back home safe and that God gives everyone His strength. I thank my Mom for making me come here and I pray she is well and safe in the hands of God, as she goes through difficult moments this summer. Love you guys.” -Enzo I.

Guatemala (24004)

Guatemala finishing strong
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Hola amigos y familiares!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (7)
Guatemala sends their greetings!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (6)