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Honduras Welcomed by TMI Honduras Staff

Team Honduras arrived around 5 o’clock Honduran time on Sunday. Our flights were mostly smooth, with a little turbulence. The TMI Honduras staff prepared a delicious national meal to welcome us on arrival. After supper, we were able to unpack and visit with everyone here. Then, after a long day and a half of travel, we all enjoyed an early bedtime. Today was a preparation day for the team. We have unpacked and washed up our dirty laundry. We look forward to beginning work tomorrow. We have started library reading and other daily required activities.

Team Member Quotes:
Ben- It was awesome getting to sit in the pilots seat on the plane we flew from Miami to Honduras in.

Peyton- it’s easy to forget how much we take for granted such as tv, air conditioning. We have a lot to be thankful for.

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)