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Malawi LDT is Rockin' & Rollin'

We are so blessed to walk with such an awesome God. If God is for us, who can be against us? The team is truly getting to see just what a group of young people can do if they simply put their trust in Christ.

The last couple of days the team has really been able to get into a groove within the daily schedule. The team has arrived at the worksite, and also in the kitchen with the lady leaders. The project is going at a very fast pace as we are working alongside the Teen Missions Malawi Bible school students. It is so fun to see the camaraderie and also see how God is using people from all nations impact eternity. The main project is the pavilion that is being built for one of the local rescue units. The pavilion will be used for classes, games, and Bible lessons. So far the team has laid out the building, dug the footer and foundation, and poured a lot of concrete.

As I am writing this, the team is still overjoyed after being able to go do outreach at a local Sadisco ministry that Teen Missions Malawi has. The team was swarmed by around 150 kids and was also blessed with the presence of the village chief. The team put on a great presentation that included the gospel, fun, games, and lots of silly songs. After the presentation, the guys and girls were split up to have their own game time. This time was so precious for our team, and with some thing that they will remember forever.

Tomorrow, we look forward to another day of work on the pavilion. They are excited to work on the roof and start building trusses. The time together with the Malawian Bible school students on this project has been so fun and we have learned so much. We are excited for the days ahead. Trusting and knowing that God is going to do a great work.
Continue to pray for our team. Pray for both healing, and also for the kids mindsets as they continue serving. God is doing a great thing, and we know that the evil one will do everything he can to distract us from the work that is at hand.

Testimonies from Malawi Team Members:

Allison L.:

Hey y’all! Malawi has been really good so far. Even though we’ve had a few setbacks, God is good and we finally got to start working on the pavilion for the Sunday school. One of my favorite things about Malawi so far is the sunsets, they’re so amazing to see. I can’t wait to see what else God has for us while we’re here. Also shoutout to Ms Emma G!

Josiah E.:

Hello from Malawi! God is showing himself to me and our team so much as we work on our project here in Rumphi. The BMW students are so great to work alongside. God is teaching me how to trust him more and more in different areas of my life. I love it here, also, hey Ms Emma G.

Luke W.:

Howdy! Hello from Malawi! Malawi has been so beautiful, and I’m loving the work here! It has been encouraging to work together for the Lord, and help the base here in Rumphi. I’m excited to see what our team we’ll be able to accomplish with the remaining time we have here. Shout out to my family! Also, hey Ms Emma G.

Helen W.:

Hey guys! Malawi is gorgeous and the weather is beautiful. We’ve been doing a lot of digging, and also bricklaying, which is one of my favorite things so far. The pavilion is coming along well, and I’m excited to see what all we’re gonna accomplish with the rest of our time here. Also hey Ms Emma G.

Shannon S.:

Hi guys! I’m so glad we’re here! Working on the pavilion has been so much fun. It’s coming along great. Love you mama! Also hey Miss Emma G.

Malawi LD (24009)

Malawi coming to a close
By: Malawi Team Leaders (12)
Malawi team sightseeing
By: Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi LDT Pictures
By: Malawi Team Leaders