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Muli Shani from team Zambia!

Things here are COLD, but amazing!

As I write this report we’re all tightly loaded up on a bus headed out to the bush. Wangibasha. However, don’t try to look it up, it’s not on any maps!

So, here’s a recap of the last few days:
1. We arrived in Ndola at the teen mission’s base and have been here for 4 days. We’ve had time to load up on supplies for food and medical.

2. The kids had the opportunity to share at a Sunday school and had lots of fun playing games, singing songs, and loving on the kids.

3. We also went to church yesterday, and had the opportunity to share a presentation. They did a wonderful job and sounded beautiful. They really enjoyed their first African church experience and all the songs and dances.

We’re very excited to be heading out to the bush finally! We’ll be at Wangibasha for 8 days and then we’ll go to Lufanyama for 3 days. After that we’ll head back to Ndola base for a few days before doing our sightseeing down at Livingston and Victoria Falls.

We appreciate your prayers as we travel and settle in!

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)