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Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity!

We started Saturday by sharing a presentation with a local Sunday School run by the Teen Missions Tanzania base. While most of the team was playing with kids outside, Hope was welcoming a small amount of people into a clinic we were running. We only had two groups running stations, one with Fiona and Caden M, and another with Amy and Clara, while Chloe was running our pharmacy. When our time was finished at the Sunday School, we drove home for a quick lunch before leaving again to visit and donate food to a school for disabled children. Unfortunately, we encountered multiple popped tires along the way, but were able to safely reach the school. Despite our delay, the team performed their second presentation of the day, and ended by handing out wordless books containing the colors of the Gospel to all of the children there. We concluded our time there by talking with many of the students, but didn’t get back to the base until pretty late, so we didn’t have much time to prepare for church this morning (Sunday). Despite the rush, we enjoyed the church service, and Elly and Amy shared their testimonies with the congregation. Afterward, we were blessed with an African lunch of beef and cabbage over rice, along with cold Fanta and Coke! Once we were finished, we headed to a supermarket for the team to buy anything their heart desired, from Tanzanian candy to protein bars! Not long after we were headed back to the base for dinner, followed by the team’s first Bible quiz-off. Please continue to pray for Ms. Elena’s bag to arrive, as it was missing when Ms. Rynn and Carly arrived. Pray for the team to continue functioning as a single unit. Pray for the missionaries and Bible students here in Tanzania as they diligently work with us and translate for our clinics.

“Tanzania is an amazing place. Not only have we helped so many people with eyegosses and first aid, but we have been first hand witnesses of seeing God work in so many ways, including him revealing the truth of the Lord being our only source of comfort and strength… the bathrooms are better than boot camp! - Addi V.

“Being in Tanzania has been a great joy. I have so enjoyed seeing the beauty of the people, culture, and nature. Most of all, I have loved, getting to evangelize through one-on-one conversations, sharing my testimony, singing songs, playing games and more. The Lord has truly been at work and I so look forward to seeing the many more ways he uses our team to further his Kingdom! Thank you for your prayers!” -Elly T.

“I am loving it here. So happy to see such Joy when the people get glasses. Its a Whole new expericance for me even as an FTM. I can tell God is working in the lives here! (I love the bathrooms)” -Adaline E.

“This trip so far has been so fabulous yet one of the most eye-opening experiences. you really can’t appreciate what you have in life until you experience a glimpse of other people’s lives. The Lord has been teaching me the importance of doing everything with excellence because it is all to the glory of the Lord and He is worthy of our best! Can't wait to share more when we get home!” - Amy M.

“Being in Tanzania has been such a blessing. So many things have made me smile here. The people are so kind, and the Kids are so sweet. I am so happy to finally be here!” - Carly T.

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)