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Our team works together so well.

If there is one word to describe our team right now, I would say it would be unified! Our team works together so well. They strive to stay unified throughout the classes, and most importantly, we as leaders can tell that they have a strong desire to be unified with Christ. From the early start each morning on the Obstacle Course until our team time after the rally ends each night, they stick together through the day, not just to complete each task given but to be an encouragement to each other. They also are a great encouragement to us as their leaders. Praise the Lord!

Today we finish our last day of training. They have taken several work classes such as Digging, Construction and Concrete. Also, they have been taking Music, Drama, Puppets and several evangelism classes. It has been pretty hot here in Florida, and we sweat A LOT, but there hasn't been any complaining. We are thankful for the cool breezes that come through every now and then. Health-wise, everyone seems to be feeling well.

If you've watched the evening rallies, you've seen that we have placed first on the Obstacle Course several times and almost scored the highest in staying clean, only missing it by one point. We're looking forward to commissioning. We only have three more nights here in Florida before we begin our trip to Brazil!

There are many other things I could say, but we just want to thank you for your faithful prayers. Keep them coming. Pray that the Lord will keep a hedge of protection around our team. We don't want to allow the Enemy to have any kind of hold on our team.

Below, we're sharing one testimony. We plan to share more team members' testimonies in our next report.

"Hello families and friends! Thank you all for your on-going support for our team. Personally, I've been having a fun but fast paced time here at Boot Camp. Our team has been doing very well at the Obstacle Course. We've been working great together, and there is good team bonding going on. I've been growing closer to God through my devotions and impactful rallies. You have to learn to get strength from God when you're so tired you feel like you can't go on. Matthew 11:28 (WEB) says, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." Pray that the people of Brazil would be ready to hear our message, that they would understand the Gospel and trust in Christ.

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)