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Taiwan Galilee Camp

The team is having a blast helping with the Galilee camp. We are currently sitting inside a large outdoor basketball court playing all sorts of games called “Red Light, Green Light” and “Dodge Ball” plus more. The Taiwanese children are loving trying to outrun our team members, and doing their best to beat them at all the games. It’s fun to watch.

We praise God for this moment in time to plant seeds of God’s love and kindness!

We have split the team up so that we can serve in two locations. The other half of the team is about 45 minutes away at a campground called “Prayer Mountain” which over looks the ocean. It’s beautiful there! They are clearing away brush and completing lots of lawn care. God’s handiwork is evident!

Our time is winding down here in Taiwan; it’s bittersweet! We have seen and experienced so much of God’s goodness! Exhaustion has set in, but the team is praying and encouraging each other to finish well and keep pressing on for God’s glory! We are also seeing a lot of spiritual growth among the team members and leaders. God is definitely working! Last night was a defining moment for the team. It happened as our Bible class was coming to the end. The truth and teachings of God’s word began stirring in the hearts of the team so we made room for the Holy Spirit. It became a time of confession and repentance for many. It was evident that He was working, healing and tearing down strongholds. We Praise God!

Continue to pray- we are feeling your prayers and praise God for all of you! God is using your children to accomplish great things for His Kingdom.

We praise God for these teens and for the great team of leadership! We are blessed!

Taiwan (24005)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Taiwan Photos
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (8)
Taiwan finishes Second Camp
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (7)