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Team Poland is praising the Lord for his goodness!

All of our bags have now arrived and we are making great progress on our worksites.Most of the sub-floor has been prepped in the new church building and it is ready for the next step: laying down plastic and insulation. At the “old” church, we have scrubbed and scraped all of the walls and ceilings on the first two floors to get ready for painting. Cyrus E., Lindsey, and Lizzy S. all worked together to remove an old fireplace and chimney as well. By the time they were finished, they looked like regular ole chimney sweeps from Mary Poppins! The chimney was connected to the kitchen as well and put a layer of soot over everything we couldn’t cover with towels! At our third worksite, the Jewish graveyard, stone wall repairs are well underway.

Those who have taken their turns staying back from work to help with KP have enjoyed walking with the lady leaders to a local grocery store every day. It is such a beautiful town to walk around and explore! It looks just like a set from all of the movies! Fisher E. was on KP and has the fun idea of making “Kit Kat” cookies with some fresh wafers that were given to us from a neighboring bakery. They turned out delicious!

On Saturday, some members of the church took us on a walking tour of the town. We saw a church that was built in the 1500s!! We also got to walk around inside the UNESCO Church of Peace. It was breathtaking to see how God worked through the hands of man to make such a beautiful sanctuary. This town is rich with history and the opportunity to marvel at some of it was one we will not soon forget. That evening, we joined the church at a park for some sports and a BBQ. The team enjoyed their basketball game very much!

On Sunday, we had church with the Siloam Evangelical church that we are here partnering with. What an amazing experience to sing How Great Thou Art together in both of our native languages. The team gave their presentation and Anthony Z. did a great job translating for us. How cool that we have a team member who is fluent in Polish? After church, we enjoyed homemade Polish cakes with coffee and tea. In the afternoon, we went swimming in an old quarry. The water was very cold, but that didn’t stop the team from having a blast.

God has been so good to us and we are spilling with thankfulness!

From the team:
“It has been such a personal joy and encouragement meeting the faithful believers in Poland. God has shown me the true meaning of what the God of the nations means. The local church here has a strong zeal for the Lord, which continues to show me God’s abounding faithfulness. I went into this summer with certain expectations, but the Lord is teaching me that I need to let go of my plans and trust in His.” - Hazel A.

“The whole trip has been amazing. The Lord has been helping me with patience and self-control. Trails can be testing and difficult in the moment, but they lead to great growth.” - Nate

“Hey Fam! We are making progress with the church, and we saw the Lord move this morning during the church service. We were blessed to see an old Lutheran church building and swim at a quarry. Keep us in y’all’s prayers!”- Fisher E.

“Today we went to church. It was fun to hear the Polish people sing in their language while we sang in ours.” - Sadie W.

“Hey y’all! I’m having a great time in Poland! I love watching the team grow. Thank you for praying for me. I love you mum and pod.” - Ms. Emma

Poland (24007)

It’s our last day in Jawor!
By: Poland Team Leaders (11)
Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (10)
Back to the daily grind in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (9)