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The Adventures of Team Malawi...

Greetings from a very blessed Malawi team!  (update photos)

We have had an eventful and spontaneous first couple of days here in Rumphi, Malawi, as we have gotten situated into our base location. The team has done a great job assisting our lady leaders by helping in the kitchen, getting water for them at the nearby wells, and much more.

Miss Beth and Miss Gabby have been doing a fantastic job with feeding the team along with developing the team members as leaders. Since we are The Leader Development Team, our goal is to take every opportunity we can to allow them to lead and shine.

On Saturday night, the kitchen crew made the team a very creative dish: pizza rolls. It was a huge hit and we had enough to do seconds. The team walked away from the meal with full stomachs and smiling faces. Our KP, Shannon and Bismark, worked very well alongside our lady leaders.

On the other side of the team's operations, we have been doing our best to setup for our project by getting materials. This endeavor has brought up many fun adventures in the process. On Saturday, Mr. Ethan went into town to acquire tools with one of our missionaries while the team went on a very adventurous trip to get sand for concrete. While on the journey, the 2 ton truck that we were using got stuck the sand. The team was patient as the Malawian staff worked on getting the truck ready to be pushed by the team.

On Sunday morning we got to the church where we were supposed to do a very long presentation only to find out that the church forgot we were coming and had a women's event so the church was packed. So, while practicing the art of flexibility, we went to a different church that was happy to have us come in at the last minute. They gave us our own seating section and Mr. Tim got to preach with a translator. The team did a short but great presentation.

Quizzing Sunday night was a rousing success. Since everybody on our team is an FTM (Former Team Member), the verses are a little less daunting and everyone seems to have had fun with quizzing.

The team has settled in and is excited to start work on Monday.

The weather has been quite nice. It's cool when we wake up and gets to about 90 in the early afternoon. Because there is very little humidity, it's bearable for the 6 or so hours it's hot. In the evening, it cools down nicely and we do our team devotions under the most amazing canopy of stars. Most team members have said they have never seen so many stars before.

Thank you always for your prayers. Please pray for good health, success with every meal, safety and completion of our work project, and most of all, protection. We are blessed by each team member and pray for their continued personal and spiritual growth.

Please consider sending your team member a card or two to Debrief. I know it's still 3 weeks away but they'll hold the mail for us and team members enjoy the mail so much.

We praise the Lord for every success we have had so far and are thankful that He has come along side of us in all of the challenges.

Malawi LD (24009)

Malawi coming to a close
By: Malawi Team Leaders (12)
Malawi team sightseeing
By: Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi LDT Pictures
By: Malawi Team Leaders