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The Honduras Preteen team is doing really well.

They all arrived by 3:00 PM on 6/18. No illness or injury to report. The team is learning how to count off and march in a straight line. Classes began today and we are now on a regular Boot Camp schedule. The team seems to be bonding very well and getting used to things very quickly. No homesickness to report at this time. 
The weather has been very nice due to the tropical depression sending showers and cool breezes our way. The Mosquitoes have not been bad at all due to the breezy weather. 

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)