Well, our time is coming to a close here in Tanzania.
In addition, the team spent the afternoon teaching the Tanzanian staff and students how to do Battle Ground and Colors drama… as well as most of the puppet song choreography. It was a lot of fun watching the Tanzanians learn how to do it.
On Friday the team also enjoyed another round of volleyball with the staff and students.
Today we went out for our last opener evangelism at Kombozi Sunday School. It was a dusty 1 Hour drive but well worth it. The kids were excited to see the team. Jordan, Robbie, Ryan and Kate shared testimonies. The team shared the story of David and Goliath, and they also shared the story of Jonah and the whale… Leah shared the gospel using the colors of the wordless book.
Team member testimonies…
This last week has been a very fun, full, and dusty part of our trip. After a wonderful Sunday, we had a solid five days of work ahead of us. Many projects have been going on including watering fruit trees, finishing a walkway around a building, digging out the foundations for a new building, and then placing large rocks and laying concrete. I have loved working, the nationals will come to work with us and we get to know them, have fun, tell riddles, and learn Swahili. It has been a great time of bonding.
Another fun activity that all of us guys look forward to is our God’s gentleman session. Mr. Steve has done a great job teaching us and capturing our attention with stories, rabbit trails, and fascinating prophecies from the Bible. I have found the time that we take to be beneficial, our friendships are growing and I love learning about things to be aware of in the future such as marriage, family, how to live a godly life, and to be a leader. It is one of the things I look forward to the most. - Noah
Just in the last week, I have learned so much about God. I have had so much fun spending time with the nationals on and off the worksite. I am sad to see this summer come to a close, but I am really glad for all that God has been doing this summer. - Lacey
Hi everybody! This summer is flying by way too fast. We have had many chances for outreaches and we have grown to love the people of Tanzania. We also have grown close to the staff and students here on the base. As for our work project, we have lain water pipes and finished the foundation of the tabernacle. Love you Morgan family. - Ben
The past week has been a blast! I worked with Saba on the staff house Monday, and then on the tabernacle the rest of the last work week. Saturday was our last evangelism to a Sunday school. During EV I played the role of Goliath. - Isaac
Tanzania has been a blast! I have grown so much with God, and have met such great people. It is so sad to think that we are almost done. Yesterday was the last full workday. I can’t believe all we have done, planted bananas, poured a sidewalk, and laid the foundation for the future rally building. No offense to the people back home, but I don’t want to leave yet. - Jordan