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What an amazing day!

We might have gotten first place if someone's head had not been over the starting line.  But, still... so excited for getting 23 people over the wall.  Every team member had the courage to try and they all made it.  They just keep encouraging each other.  So, awesome!  This Preteen team will do great things.  We are so proud of should be as well!

One challenge to keep in your prayers is the chatter.  The team has bonded so well that they want to keep talking to each other at times when they need to be quiet.  We are practicing emergency or plane change rushing and we need to do some more work on it.

 The rain has held off the last couple of days, but that makes it extra hot.   We do a lot of walking and that makes for some sore feet.  So please pray for them.  

 They have been working on their testimonies.  Reading them has been a privilege and blessing for the Team Leaders.

 After struggling to make it over the Wall, Caedmon's comment today was, "Victory over the WALL!!!!!!!!!!"

 Lilly says, "LISTEN to the leaders and you will have fun..."

 Zeke reports, "Don't be lazy and make sure to get food...the food is yummy!"

 Mabel says, "The food is good and I'm missing home!"

 Emory says, "Hi, miss you all.  I can't wait to tell you all about it!"

 They are all excited about doing the "Run From the Devil ''.  It is a large inflatable with a bungee cord harnessed around their waist. They run as fast as they can and place a bean bag on the center strip to get points for the team!

 That might not sound exciting to you, but they cannot wait.

  We leave for Honduras on Sat.

 Keep praying we are almost there!

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)