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What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!

What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been! Grab your popcorn and get comfy, because this report will be EXCITING :)

Sunday began with our team attending another local church. We were welcomed graciously and given an opportunity to share part of our EV (Evangelism) presentation, consisting of two songs. Mr. Joel spoke again for the congregation and shared an encouraging word on God’s faithfulness. After the service ended, they provided a large assortment of snacks and refreshments, and there was a nice time of fellowship. 

After the worship service, we took a trip up with some of the church members to the mountains! As we progressed into higher altitudes, the views took our breaths away. Some sights included luscious plant life, trickling waterfalls, and rugged cliffs. At the top viewpoint, the team got out and enjoyed the stunning scene, taking lots of pictures. We feel so blessed to have experienced more of this beautiful country. 

On Monday, our team FINISHED the part of the concrete road they have been working so diligently on. Woohoo!! The team members were able to mold their handprints into the wet concrete and sign their names next to the team name and number, which contributed to their sense of accomplishment in the work the Lord used them for. 

 One of the most exciting parts of our week took place Tuesday and Wednesday. At 1pm, we left as a team, along with the Filipino staff and students, to head to Baculin Amazing Sands! The plan was to do our island hopping sightseeing Thursday, but due to a typhoon coming, it had to be pushed forward. After a three hour bumpy drive, we arrived, ate dinner, swam for a couple hours, and hung out together before heading to sleep on the water IN BUNGALOWS! It was such a unique and memorable experience. As well, many of the team members tried pig brain, with some enjoying it but others strongly disliking it. 

Waking up in the morning on Wednesday out on the water was so dreamy. We had devotions in front of bright blue water and assorted island formations before eating a scrumptious breakfast of fried rice, pineapple, bread, meat, lumpia, and much more. Everyone, after eating, got a boat ride that circled many of the islands before riding the inflatable rafts attached to jet skis. There was a donut looking one and a banana boat. On the last banana boat ride, the driver flipped us all off and into the water. The teens LOVED the rides and also enjoyed swimming very much. After lunch, we headed back to the base and are looking forward to the much needed rest. 

The team has been working hard, so we as leaders are thankful that they were able to have so much fun this week together, with our team but also the Filipino people. 

Please pray for continued opportunities to share the gospel and bless the people here, that our team would have eyes to see the needs of people and hearts willing to step out in obedience. 


Philippines Team

Philippines (24011)

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