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17 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (10)
Greetings from the DR team!
This is our last week here in the Dominican Republic, and the team members have been working diligently in order to finish their work...
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17 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (8)
Taiwan Photos
Nikki- “The kids have so much energy…it’s amazing even though we are exhausted…love and miss you!” Grace- “God doesn’t stop at the border!”
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17 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (9)
What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!
HEY, Grab your popcorn and get comfy, because this report will be EXCITING :)
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17 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (10)
Zambia report #2
Hello from Zambia! We have made it to a Rescue Unit of Teen Missions in Lufanyama! Signal is still quite bad out here, but we’re doing...
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17 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (9)
Zambia #1 report
Hello from Team Zambia! Things are going well here in Wangibasha! It’s been a little difficult to get reports/messages out because of how...
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16 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (12)
Brazil Photos
Brazil Photos
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16 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (7)
Taiwan finishes Second Camp
At both the Halelujah Camp in Taipei and the Shout Camp in Fulong we have seen God at work. Many responded to the altar calls and made...
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16 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Guatemala finishing strong
We can’t believe it’s almost time to come home. The summer has flown by and we have had a wonderful trip serving the Lord in Joyabaj! The...
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15 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
The weather here is a consistent 80s during the day and the usual evening thunderstorm. We had an awesome time at a local church that had...
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15 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (11)
Team Brazil is Working Hard!
It has almost been one week since we arrived in Belem, and a lot of progress has been made on the property. We have also gotten into a...
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