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12 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (8)
Quick Zambia update
Hey everyone...we made it safely out to Wangibasha, however, reports will definitely be an issue. We’ve had to drive about an hour to...
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12 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (7)
Hola amigos y familiares!
Things here in Guatemala are going smoothly! The team is working hard and making great progress! They have changed the focus of the...
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12 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (6)
Fruitful week for the Taiwan team.
This has been a very busy, but fruitful week for the Taiwan team. We have been serving all week at Shout Camp in Fulong, Taiwan. The...
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11 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (9)
Good morning from sunny Santa Cruz.
The weather is in the mid 80’s almost daily and slightly humid. We have been having thunderstorms in the afternoon that cool it off for...
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11 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (8)
Malawi LDT is Rockin' & Rollin'
We are so blessed to walk with such an awesome God. If God is for us, who can be against us? The team is truly getting to see just what a...
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11 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (10)
Finally settled in Belem!
Ten days after commissioning at Teen Missions, Team Brazil has finally arrived at our official project site in Belem! To say it has been...
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11 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (7)
The Poland team is hard at work
The Poland team is hard at work on all three project sites. I’ll divide up each work site by a paragraph to help give clarity.
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11 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (8)
Hola from Republica Dominicana!
Time has been going by fast this week, we are already half way through our time here. The team has had a pretty busy week. We have been...
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11 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (8)
Greetings from the Colombia team!
Greetings from the Colombia team! We are halfway through our second week in Colombia and we have been busy! The team has been hard at...
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10 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (8)
Greetings once again from Nuremberg Germany!
We are all doing well and everyone is enjoying the ministry opportunities we've had this week. On Monday some of the team was able to do...
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