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10 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (7)
The Philippines is starting to feel like home
Hello friends and family! Having been here a little over a week, the team is settling in wonderfully and adapting really well to the...
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10 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (9)
¡Hola! From Honduras
We have been having a wonderful time in Honduras this past week. The weather has been pretty warm these past few days with mostly clear...
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10 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (7)
Greetings from overcast India!
We have experienced some sprinkles and cloud cover today which is always an extra blessing with the heat of India.
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09 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (6)
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity!
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity! (update photos added)
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08 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (7)
The Adventures of Team Malawi...
We have had an eventful and spontaneous first couple of days here in Rumphi, Malawi, as we have gotten situated into our base location....
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08 Jul 24
Honduras TeamLeader (8)
Honduras Photo(2)
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08 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (7)
Muli Shani from team Zambia!
Things here are COLD, but amazing! As I write this report we’re all tightly loaded up on a bus headed out to the bush. Wangibasha....
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08 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (6)
Guatemala sends their greetings!
Hello to everyone back in the states! Thank you all for your prayers!
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08 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (7)
Colombia ministers at a local Church
Our team has had a lot of great experiences and less than a week since arriving here in Colombia! The preteen Boot Camp ended on Saturday...
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08 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (7)
Hello from the Germany team!
We are all doing well and enjoying our work and ministry here in Nuremberg! The days are rushing by fast. It's hard to believe that our...
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